The path of Krsna: Part 1

The path of Krsna: Part 1

The Vaishnava yogi is a mystic seeker, following the systems of transcendence passed down through generations of Vaishnava Masters to their disciples in an oral tradition supported by the vast textual body of the Vedas and Vaishnava Agamas. Vaishnava Tantra is the exploration of personality and life through the prism and illustration of Krsna ,the all-pervading Supreme Soul, seated on the bed of infinity, blue like the sky, dressed in light and gold, carrying the symbols of indestructibility, transcendence, purity, absolute vision.  It is a system of waking up to the non-dual equipoise of life as it is, an experiential dive into the depths of being through the five elements or tanmatras(Earth, water, fire, air, space)to the foundation of perfect equipoise, The Advaya tattva, or non-dual principle. The end of all philosophical views is a reality as it is without any explanation or mental fluctuations. The path is set according to the elemental system, the elements mapped to the body, mind, and spirit. At each level, various practices are undertaken to remove the defective vision of oneself and the world. The duality which blinds us to our true nature and potential sees spirit and matter as two separate existential realities, one granting suffering, the other liberation and joy. The true Yogi sees no duality in the world. Everything is perfectly contained within the One Sky. Nothing is removed or negated, everything included, this is Vaishnava non-duality. Krsna and Sri, the divine couple engaged in an ever fresh game of hide-and-go-seek
 The Void is without qualities yet ever awake and present to its own nature. Everything is contained within this void, though it is unknown by everything. The Void is itself Krsna. Visnu is the Krsna. The phenomena which occur within the void, the expansion and contraction of life, the universe, and the body, is the play of Sri, Devi, the Feminine Godhead, the seen, and the knowable. The Void Krsna is the unknowable, purely subjective experience of absolute being, hiding. 

The Seeker is a container of this absolute being, yet remains asleep to this fact until and only when it directly experiences it through the agency of Sakti. The path for the seeker is the play of reuniting of Sri with Krsna within himself.  Kundalini, the Sakti within the body, is the seekers' knowable sense of "I'ness, the unknowable "I" is Krsna. Thus, the seeker is seeking to know his/her's very own Self, within the expansion and contractions of the experience of the sensation of "I".

 The essential union of these two is like the full Moon in the night sky, perfectly illuminating, sweet, and mystical. Free from the Extremes of absolute darkness or blinding light, clarity is perfectly and spontaneously present. This is the truest sense of the void. Spontaneously clear, ever fresh, all containing, and sweetly illuminated, life as it is.

Pure experience is ever present and always factually the true nature of life as it is. The universe in harmony with itself is our highest Self.

Thus God is Sri and Krsna in union.

Sri-Krsna Saranam mama



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